So, a little bit about me! My name is Cassidy and I am an energetic teenager. I love designer clothing, music, cats, books, and traveling! I am home-schooled, taking college courses and I am determined to become an architect, someday designing themed environments. Oh, I guess I should mention, I am profoundly medically fragile. Mind you, the medical issues were mentioned last not first! I am a young lady who happens to have a lifelong medical diagnosis. I am not a medically fragile person who has a life despite my diagnosis. In my book, there is a big difference between the two! Growing up I was always told the question is "Not CAN WE DO IT, BUT HOW CAN WE DO IT!" My medical diagnosis has never gotten in my way, my mom would have never allowed it. From where I stand this was her greatest gift to me. I have CCHS( Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome) I have and will always be ventilator dependant. Despite the abundance of equipment that follows in toe the world is mine to explore. I have created this blog hoping to help others to see despite our differences a normal and full life is always possible. I hope my blog not only helps others to understand what it is like to live with a lifelong diagnosis but also offers tips and tricks to get out and live life to the fullest.
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